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Metaltecnica MZ Valves for Slurry Tankers

Metaltecnica products are in constant evolution, using the highest quality standards, MZ valves have been recognised internationally for over 50 years. All products are designed, manufactured, assembled and tested in Italy.

6000007 6000070 6000080 6000072 6000060
Type Thread / Thread Thread / Thread Thread / Flange Flange / Flange Flange / Flange
Duty Standard Large Housing
Less Spindle
Standard Standard Large Housing
6" 6000007 6000070 6000080 6000072 6000060
4" 4000066 - - 4000072 -
5" 5000007 - 5000080 5000072 -
8" - - - 8000072 -

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McHugh Components Ltd.

89 Broomhill Road,
Tallaght Industrial Estate,
Dublin 24,
D24 EK28